Champions – Lanyard the Psychopomp

Some people are simply driven. They push themselves harder, they scale Mount Everest, they swim the English Channel, they run back-to-back marathons, they take up fencing, and parkour, and weightlifting, and they try to do more than one of those things at a time

And all too often they get over-excited and they take thoughtless risks.

Realizing that you weren’t quite going to make the building-to-building jump was a bad moment.

Realizing that it was five stories down to solid concrete – and that you were headed for months in the hospital if you didn’t die on the spot – was worse.

At that moment you would have given almost ANYTHING for someone to catch you. – but somehow, when those bony hands grabbed your forearms, and your hands closed reflexively around the dark-cloaked figures skeletally-thin arms… it was even worse.

And then your rescuer pulled you up to the roof, and the concealing hood fell away from the grinning skull – and you were fairly sure that it was the worst – and last – moment of your life that you would ever have.

But… despite the fact that you should obviously be as dead as mutton in the market, your breath was warm, your heart was pounding frantically – and you didn’t see your corpse sprawled in the street below.


There were always those who were lost. Spirits without any enough of an affinity for any given realm to draw them there, those anchored by some unfulfilled goal or desire, and those entrapped in one or another binding.

They didn’t HAVE to go – but SOMEONE needed to drop by every so often and offer to guide them onwards – and if someone was binding spirits who wished to depart, action had to be taken.

There were things that waited to attack, possess, and even steal spirits away from their proper destinations. They needed to be fought.

There were those touched by Death or by the Spirit World and in need of council.

Psychopomp. A Guide and Guardian of the dead. A link between the living world and what lay beyond. Someone living beyond their time, outside of the pronouncements of fate and with a foothold in either world.

The first job benefit was surviving your first death unharmed. The second was acquiring many of the powers of a major spirit with little effort. The third was getting to play hero in your off-time if you so desired. The fourth?… Gaetan doesn’t yet know what it is – but even if he suspects that there is more to come, at the moment he really doesn’t care. The job is important, and fulfilling, and comes with cool perks. For the time being… that’s quite enough.


“Lanyard” actually has developed most of his basic powers to full effectiveness. He may not yet have realized the potential for adding “Regenerate from Death” and “Life Support” to his ghostly powers, (and has yet to add a fine manipulation transdimensional TK slot to let him open doors and such) and he may still be reliant on a (rather vulnerable) magical device for much of his offense and defense – but he’s got most of the simpler powers down, even if he does need a lot more practice (levels and attribute boosts) with them.

That’s actually pretty powerful. While he does have his vulnerabilities, Lanyard can attack from another dimension – meaning that quite a lot of opponents will have no way to affect him. Those who can, however, can fairly easily take him out – which will leave him stranded, out of reach of most possible allies. Worse, he can be attacked by creatures that few other characters can even detect, much less affect.

Either way, having Lanyard in play will call for some careful juggling on the part of the game master.


Value Characteristic Points
20 STR 10
18 DEX 24
13 CON 6
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
10 EGO 0
10/30 PRE 0
13 COM 1
5 PD 1
5 ED 2
4 SPD 12
7 REC 0
26 END 0
18 STUN -9
Total 50


Points Powers END
26 Ectoplasmic Multipower (65-pt reserve); Variable Limitations: -½, -¼; Visible (Easily detected by spiritualists, mages, and other mystics in a wide radius): -¼; Generic Limitation (Dimensional Vulnerability: User can be attacked from the Astral Plane without any special modifiers.): -½; Generic Limitation (User will attract spirits with problems and will be expected to undertake various missions for the great spirits): -½
u-2 4d6 Energy Blast / Spirit Blast; Range: 300; Versus: ED; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Transdimensional (May affect either the Material or Spirit World): Group of Dimensions, +¾; No Normal Defense (Being a robot, having necromantic powers, or being undead (both the living and the truly dead may be affected however)): +1 2
u-2 3d6 Entangle / Ectoplasmic Bonds (DEF 3); Range: 300; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Transdimensional (May affect either the Material or Spirit World): Group of Dimensions, +¾ 2
u-2 1d6 Drain Movement / Mists of Nightmare (Return/5 min.); Range: 0; Affects: All Powers of Special Effect, +2; Area Effect (Radius): 5″ radius, +1; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Penetrating: +¾; Transdimensional (May affect either the Material or Spirit World): Group of Dimensions, +¾ 3
u-2 2d6 Entangle / Unable to Flee (DEF 2); Range: 325; Area Effect (Radius): 5″ radius, +1; Entangle Damage: Entangle and Target Both Take Damage, +¼; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Transdimensional (May affect either the Material or Spirit World): Group of Dimensions, +¾; Active Points: 65 3
u-3 Telekinesis / Ectoplasmic Aura (STR 20); Range: 335; Manipulation: Coarse, +0; Reduced END: Zero, +½; Transdimensional (Spirit to Material and Vice-Versa): Group of Dimensions, +¾ 0
4 Elemental Control: Ghostly Powers (10-pt reserve); Visible (Easily detected by spiritualists, mages, and other mystics in a wide radius): -¼; Generic Limitation (Dimensional Vulnerability: User can be attacked from the material plane as if desolid while in the Spirit Realm and can be attacked from the Spirit Realm as if he was there at any time. ): -½; Generic Limitation (User will attract spirits with problems and will be expected to undertake various missions for the great spirits): -½
a-12 15″ Teleportation / Ghostly Stride (Long Range 60″); Increased Range: ×4, +10; Reduced END: Half, +¼; Long Range: 60″; Long Range (miles): 0.07; Mass Multiplier: ×1, +0; Fixed Locations: 0; Floating Locations: 0; Generic Limitation (Only functions in the Spirit Realms): -1 1
b-4 Clinging (Clinging STR +30)
c-3 Extra-Dimensional Movement / The Spirit Plane; Dimensions: One, +0; Time Travel: None, +0; Mass Multiplier: ×1, +0; Carrying Mass: None; Generic Limitation (Still affected by mental attacks from either dimension and magic that affects desolids, detectable by Mental Awareness): -1 2
d-3 Detect (Seeing) (+1 to PER); Time Required: Instant, +2; Range: Ranged, +5; Transdimensional (Spirit Realm / Material World and Vice Versa): Group of Dimensions, +¾; Generic Limitation (Builds on already-existing normal sight and exposes the user to sense-affecting light-based attacks): -1
e-3 Detect (Hearing) (+1 to PER); Time Required: Instant, +2; Range: Ranged, +5; Transdimensional (Spirit Realm / Material World and Vice Versa): Group of Dimensions, +¾; Generic Limitation (Builds on already-existing normal hearing. Exposes the user to hearing-based flash attacks and sensory-based sonic attacks): -1
f-3 Detect (Touch) (+4 to PER); Time Required: Instant, +2; Range: Touch, +0; Transdimensional (Spirit Realm / Material World and Vice Versa): Group of Dimensions, +¾; Generic Limitation (Builds on normal sense of touch and exposes the user to tactile illusions and such.): -1; Always On: -½
g-4 +20 PRE
h-3 Images / Ghostly Manifestation (Hearing, 1″ radius); Range: 110; Reduced END: Zero, +½; Transdimensional (May appear on the Spirit or Material Realm): Group of Dimensions, +¾; Generic Limitation (Only to generate an image of himself, in his equivalent location, although minor “ghostly” tweaks may be applied. ): -1½; Observer PER Penalty: 0, +0 0
i-3 Images / Ghostly Manifestation (Normal Sight, 1″ radius); Range: 110; Reduced END: Zero, +½; Transdimensional (May appear on the Spirit or Material Realm): Group of Dimensions, +¾; Generic Limitation (Only to generate an image of himself, in his equivalent location, although minor “ghostly” tweaks may be applied. ): -1½; Observer PER Penalty: 0, +0 0
6 1d6 30-Point Equipment Allowance Aid (Fade/month, Max. 30); Range: 0; Affects: Single Power of Special Effect, +¼; Extra Time: 1 hour, -2½; Only activates in armories, labs, or between outings: -1½; Personal Only: -1; Difficult to Dispel: ×4, +½; Increased END: ×10, -4; This allows a character to haul along 30 CP worth of customized gear. 20
85 Total Powers  


Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll
10 +2 level w/With Ectoplasmic Multipower
3 Acrobatics 13-
4 Knowledge / the Spirit Realms 13-
3 Federal/National Police Powers
1 Recognized in the Spirit Realms as an Agent of Death
0 English (Native Accent); Literacy: Standard, 0
2 Spanish (Fluent Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0
2 Spirit Speech (Fluent Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0
25 Total Skills, Talents, Perks  


Cost Equipment
28 Varangian Wraithstone; OAF (Wraithstone Amulet): -1; Visible (Easily detected by mages, mystics, and similar as spirit magic): -¼
(15) Armor (5 PD/5 ED)
(10) Mental Defense (12 pts) ; Add to Total
37 Ectoplasmic Mastery; Martial Art usable only with Ectoplasmic Aura Telekinesis
(3) Basic Strike / Hammer of the Underworld (OCV +1, DCV +0, 10d6)
(4) Killing Strike / Ectoplasmic Hangman (OCV -2, DCV +0, 2½d6 HKA)
(3) Martial Grab / Paralysis of the Grave (OCV -1, DCV -1, STR 50)
(4) Martial Disarm / Entropic Wave (OCV -1, DCV +1)
(4) Nerve Strike / Breath of the Dead (OCV -1, DCV +1, 4d6 NND)
(3) Martial Throw / Hurtling Through the Void (OCV +0, DCV +1, 8d6+v/5)
(16) +4 DC for Martial Attacks / The Icy Hand of Death
2 Radio Listen and Transmit / Smartphone ; Focus: Obvious Accessible, -1; Extra Time: 1 turn, -1; Champions Advantage (Smartphone Functions): +½
30 Total Equipment


100+ Disadvantages
15 Works for Death, and so must guide lost souls, seek out those who become undead or are unnaturally bound, or who return improperly. (Common, Strong); Situation: Common, +10; Intensity: Strong, +5
10 Hunted by Black Necromancers (8-); Capabilities: As Powerful, 10; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
10 Watched: The Authorities (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0
10 Watched: Death (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Only Watching: ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0
15 Secret Identity (Gaetan Chaput)
10 Accidental Change (His Ghostly Manifestation ability will start revealing his nature) in the presence of undead or powerful necromancy (11-)
10 Dependent NPC: Family Member (Normal, 8-); Skills: Normal, +0
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
20 No Code Against Killing ((After all, he knows that Death is just a beginning) (Very Common, Strong)
10 Hatred of those who misuse the powers of Death (Uncommon, Strong)
10 In Love with thje Lady Mortura (Another servant of Death, but a much older and more experienced one). (Uncommon, Strong)
10 Susceptibility to Exorcisms (1d6 STUN/Turn); Condition: Uncommon, +5
150 Total Disadvantages


COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base
50 + 110 = 160 250 = 150 + 100


OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases
6 6 3 12 10/5 10/5 3, 6, 9, 12